Return Policy

Returns and Exchanges (within the US):

If you are in need of an exchange or return, please contact first to confirm the appropriate action to take.

Our return policy lasts 14 days. If 14 days have gone by since the original purchase date, unfortunately, we cannot offer you a return or exchange. Any return and/or exchange sent in after the allotted time will not be issued a refund and the items will not be sent back. Exchanges for a new size can be made once upon request. We do not accept items to be exchanged that were already previously exchanged. Returns or refunds can only be issued if you received the wrong shirt or a damaged shirt. 

To be eligible for a return or exchange, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. No returns for worn or washed items.  Please contact us (email: for instructions on how to begin your refund or exchange. We do not cover shipping costs for returns/exchanges. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of shipping will be deducted from your refund.

All orders of sale items are final.

Returns and Exchanges (outside of the US):

All orders are final outside of the US