A Simple Trick for Converting Kilos to Pounds
If you are an American who moved to Japan and started working or you have been here for a while, you are going to run into a five-letter word. Kilos. Most gyms are going to have plates labeled in kg. We are not here to discuss the philosophical significance or politics of the US being one of the few countries to use pounds while the rest of the world uses kilos. No. We are here to learn a trick to convert kilos to pounds for the important purpose of weightlifting!
The easiest way is by using a calculator. Most of us are probably going to be doing this in the gym, so you can do this right on your phone. But since we are in Japan, it is also socially acceptable to carry a calculator to the gym in your gym bag and use that. Ok. Just take the weight in kilos and multiply it by 2.2 to get your pounds conversion. Perhaps if you come from an engineering background such as myself and you are little nerdy then for the exact kg to lb conversion you can multiply the weight in kilos by 2.2046226218. However, the person waiting to use the squat rack might appreciate you just calculating with 2.2.
Kilos x 2.2 = Pounds Lifted
- Precise - you are going to be able to quickly and consistently get the same number.
- Free - every phone has a calculator.
- Time - it's quick but you still need time to do the calculation on your phone and this can break the flow of a conversation when talking about kilos and you need to figure out how much 315lbs in kg.
- Convenience Factor - having to do any calculations for converting weight is just annoying.
Mukimuki tips
- If you write down what you are going to do in the gym before you go, also convert the weight you plan on using. It's going to save you time in the gym.
- If you grew up using pounds your whole life, it is hard to look at the barbell with 143kg on it and think it feels 143kg. It's going to feel 315lbs. Try to make that mental switch because you don't want to be having to bring out a calculator or doing mental arithmetic every time you go to the gym. Break any habit you have of needing to convert kg to lb every time you go lift.
There are other ways to convert kg to lbs but the calculator is by far the best way aside from just remembering the weight in kg. There are apps and charts but none of them beat the simple calculator on your phone.